
Quick, accurate and easy-to-use self-test that can performed in the comfort of your own home.

The Liver is an essential organ of the body having a critical role for health. It helps break down food, clean blood, produce proteins and store energy.

In case of liver problems, a number of symptoms may appear including dark urine or light-coloured stool, no desire to eat, yellowish eyes or skin (jaundice), swelling in your belly, weakness or feeling very tired. There might be many reasons for a problem occurrence in liver such as hepatitis, side effects of certain medications, cirrhosis due to heavy drinking, overweight especially in case of diabetes or high blood pressure.

Many tests could be performed on the liver but the most commonly used tests are transaminases (ALT and AST) enzymes assessment. These enzymes are released in the blood by the liver in response to damage or disease.

Check4® Liver Health is a rapid immunodiagnostic test for the immunological detection of increased transaminase (both ALT and AST) levels from a finger prick whole blood sample. The test consists on a plastic housing containing one stick having two distinct zones for transaminases detection (red colour when positive) and one control zone (blue colour).

The box contains the material necessary to perform a test:

  • 1 sealed aluminium pouch containing: 1 test device, 1 plastic pipette and 1 desiccant bag.
  • 1 sterile lancet for blood sampling.
  • 1 dropper bottle containing 1 ml of diluent.
  • 1 instruction leaflet.

All our Check4® range of self-test products are:

  • CE-Marked for home self-test use
  • Made and Evaluated in France
  • Easy-to-use and easy to read results
  • Accurate and trust worthy
  • Quick with results in a matter of minutes

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Self-Tests
Product Code 999984W-3L-AG
Product Name Check4® Liver Health
Product Category Organ Health Tests
Product Analyte ALT and/or AST
Product Size 1 x 1 Test
Product Storage 2°C to 30°C
How does the Check4® Liver Health test work?

In case of liver injury, transaminases (ALT and/or AST) are released by the liver in the blood stream. The Check4® Liver Health rapid test detects these transaminases thanks to specific immunological reagents for each of both transaminases when their concentration is over 80 IU/L. Abnormal transaminases concentrations will be seen through one or two red lines appearance.

When should the Check4® Liver Health test be used?

In case of liver problems, a number of symptoms may appear including dark urine, light coloured stool, no desire to eat, yellowish eyes or skin, swelling in your belly, weakness or feeling very tired. It is recommended to perform the Check4® Liver Health screening test. The Check4® Liver Health test can be performed any time of the day.

Can the result be incorrect?

Nevertheless, the result can be incorrect if the Check4® Liver Health test gets wet before test performing or if the quantity of blood dispensed in the sample well is not sufficient. The plastic pipette provided in the box allows making sure the collected blood volume is correct.

How do you interpret the test if the colour and the intensity of the lines are different?

The Check4® Liver Health test should be considered as positive when, in addition to a blue line, one or two red lines, corresponding to each transaminase (ALT and AST), appear. Hepatic problems may indeed lead to an increased concentration of one transaminase only.

What is the line that appears under the mark C (Control) for?

When this blue line appears, it only means that the test was performing well.

If I read the result after 15 minutes, will the result be reliable?

No. The result should be read within 10 minutes after adding the diluent. The result is reliable up to 15 minutes.

What do I have to do if the result is positive?

If the result is positive, it means that the ALT and/or AST transaminase level in blood is higher than the norm (80 IU/L) and that you should consult a doctor to show the test result. Then, the doctor will decide whether additional analysis should be performed. Although ALT and AST level concentration is valuable in the diagnosis of liver disease, it should be used in combination with other hepatic enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyl transferase…) activity levels and other blood analytes such as urea, creatinine or
bilirubin to evaluate the liver function. The increase in transaminases activities could be due to many others reasons (ex: intensive exercise, overweight…). Only a doctor could make a diagnosis after considering clinical investigation and additional test results.

What do I have to do if the result is negative?

If the result is negative, it means that the ALT and/or AST transaminase level is below 80 IU/L and is within the norm. However, if the symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How accurate is the Check4® Liver Health test?

Evaluation report performed on the Check4® Liver Health test shows an overall agreement of 89.2% with the clinical chemistry reference method. Although this test is reliable, false positive or false negative results could be obtained.

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on liver issues?

For more information on liver issues you can visit the below:
