
Quick, accurate and easy-to-use self-test that can performed in the comfort of your own home.

Ovulation corresponds to the release of the ovum from the ovary. The increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration induces the ovulation within 24 to 40 hours. This period is the most favourable to conceive a child. The Check4® Ovulation test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative determination of LH in urine. In less than 10 minutes, it is possible to detect the LH peak preceding ovulation, and therefore to determine the days of optimum fertility.

The box contains the material necessary to perform a test:

  • 5 sealed aluminium pouch containing: 1 test device and 1 desiccant bag in each.
  • 1 instruction leaflet.

All our Check4® range of self-test products are:

  • CE-Marked for home self-test use
  • Made and Evaluated in France
  • Easy-to-use and easy to read results
  • Accurate and trust worthy
  • Quick with results in a matter of minutes

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Self-Tests
Product Code 5066AG
Product Name Check4® Ovulation
Product Category Women's Health Tests
Product Analyte LH
Product Size 1 x 5 Test
Product Storage 2°C to 30°C
How does the Check4® Ovulation test work?

In women, the average hormonal cycle lasts 28 days. The FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) secretion induces the follicle maturation, and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) secretion induces ovulation. During the menstrual cycle, only a small quantity of luteinizing hormone (LH) is secreted, but in the middle of the cycle, the LH concentration increases very rapidly. The LH peak only appears 12 to 18 hours before ovulation. Ovulation corresponds to the release of the ovum by the ovary. The ovum may be fertilised within the 12 to 24 hours that follow its release: this period is the most favourable to conception. Therefore, conception is more likely to occur within the 24 to 40 hours following the LH peak. The Check4® Ovulation test is a test for the determination of LH peak in urine. The Check4® Ovulation is using a couple of antibodies which only recognize human LH. A control line capturing the reagent excess appears as a coloured line in the control window. In case both lines appear (positive result) the test indicates an LH concentration higher than 30 mIU/mL determined against WHO* reference.

*World Health Organisation

I do not know the usual duration of my cycle, or the duration varies from one cycle to the other. How could I know what day I should begin the test?

If you do not know your usual cycle duration, we advise you to wait for a total cycle before starting the test. If your cycle varies with more than 3 days, take into account your shortest cycle of the last 6 months and use its duration to determine the day of the test.

What is the best moment to use the test?

You can perform the test at any moment of the day; however, the urine that is collected at the end of the afternoon contains more LH, which will enable to obtain better results. In any case, perform the following tests every day about the same time. Do not use the first morning urine.

Can the result be incorrect?

The results are accurate insofar as the directions for use are scrupulously followed. Nevertheless, the result can be incorrect if the Check4® Ovulation test is damp before performing the test. Moreover, if the Check4® Ovulation test is used by a pregnant or menopaused woman, or by a woman who has a hCG or LH-based hormonal treatment, or by a woman under pill, the results can be incorrect. In case of unexpected or contradictory results, it is recommended to consult a gynaecologist, for some health problems can induce incorrect diagnosis.

I left the absorbent tip in urine for more than 10 seconds. Will I get an accurate result?

Yes. A few more seconds will not affect the results.

I left the absorbent tip in urine for less than 5 seconds. Will I get an accurate result?

No, because the sample volume might be insufficient.

How do you interpret the test if the colour and the intensity of the lines are different?

To interpret the results, it is necessary to compare the coloration of the LH line (Test window) with the coloration of the Control line (Control window).

The result is positive if the LH line is darker than the Control line. This result means that the ovulation will occur within the next 40 hours and that if you have sexual relations within this period, you will optimise the opportunities for being pregnant.

The result is negative if the Control line is darker than the LH line. This results means that the ovulation will not occur within the next 40 hours. In this case, you should perform another test the day after. Caution: in some cases, the LH line may not develop at all.

In the case that no line appears in the control window (even if a line appears in the test window), it is not possible to interpret the result, which is considered as invalid. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the test with a new Check4® Ovulation test and a fresh urine sample.

What is the line that appears under the mark C (Control) for?

When this line appears, it only means that the test was performing well.

If I read the result after 10 minutes, will the result be reliable?

Read the results after 5 minutes. Do not interpret the results after 10 minutes.

What do I have to do if the result is positive?

If the result is positive, you have detected the LH peak, which means that the ovulation will occur within the next 40 hours. If you have sexual relations within this period, you will optimise the opportunities for getting pregnant.

What do I have to do if the result is negative?

If the result is negative, you have not detected the LH peak, which means that the ovulation will not occur in the next 40 hours. A new test should be performed on the following day.

Should the test be used as contraception method?

No, the test has not been designed for this purpose and should not be used for this purpose.

Will discontinuing my hormonal contraception (pill) affect the result?

If you use a contraceptive and that you have just discontinued it, it is possible that your cycles may be irregular for some time, which may affect the result. It is recommended to wait for two cycles before using the Check4® Ovulation tests.

I have been using the Check4® Ovulation test during several months, but I have not got pregnant yet. May I be sure to get pregnant one day?

The Check4® Ovulation test is designed to determine your more fertile days. If you had sexual relations during that period, you may get pregnant, but other reasons may explain why you are not pregnant yet. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor or gynaecologist.

I have just performed a test and the result is positive for the first time, what is the best period to get pregnant?

In order to optimise the opportunities to get pregnant, it is recommended to have sexual relations on the day of the peak apparition and/or the following day.

How accurate is the Check4® Ovulation test?

The Check4® Ovulation test is accurate and has been used for more than 10 years by professionals in the field. Evaluation reports show an overall agreement of 100% with reference method. Although the test is reliable, false positive or false negative results could be

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on ovulation?

For more information on ovulation you can visit the below:
