
Please note that Check4®-hCG(hl) is not a classical pregnancy test and this product is only to be prescribed by professionals for home use. Anyone wishing to receive a test post-procedure should contact the clinic or service who assisted with the procedure for further advice.

The Check4®-hCG(hl) test is a low sensitive urinary rapid test for the determination of the hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) level in urine for home use, to determine the outcome after a previously confirmed Termination of intrauterine Pregnancy (ToP) of first trimester and miscarriage. In 5 to 10 minutes, it will detect an hCG level of 1000 mIU/mL or more. When hCG level is below 1000 mIU/mL, only one coloured band appears in the control window but no coloured band appears in the test window. When hCG level is above 1000 mIU/mL two coloured bands appear, one in each window.

The kit contains the material necessary to perform one test:

  • 1 sealed aluminium protective pouches each containing: 1 test device, 1 dessicant pouch.

All our Check4® range of products are:

  • CE-Marked
  • Made and Evaluated in France
  • Easy-to-use and easy to read results
  • Accurate and trustworthy
  • Quick with results in a matter of minutes

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Professional Testing
Product Code 3066-1000AG
Product Name Check4®-hCG(hl)
Product Brand Check4®
Product Analyte hCG
Product Size 1 x 1 Test
Product Storage 2°C to 30°C
How does the Check4®-hCG(hl) test work?

Check4®-hCG(hl) is a rapid qualitative test for the presence of hCG in urine. In 5 to 10 minutes, it will detect an hCG level of 1000 mIU/mL or more. When hCG level is below 1000 mIU/mL, only one coloured band appears in the control window but no coloured band appears in the test window. When hCG level is above 1000 mIU/mL two coloured bands appear, one in each window.

What are the listed precautions?

1. This test is exclusively intended for external use only (in vitro diagnostic use). Do not swallow.
2. Carefully read the instructions before carrying out the test. The test is not reliable unless the instructions are strictly followed.
3. Store at +4°C to +30°C. Do not freeze.
4. Do not use after the expiry date printed on the aluminium pouch and on the external package or if the aluminium pouch has been damaged.
5. Do not reuse Check4®-hCG(hl).
6. Keep out of reach of children.
7. After use please dispose of all kit components into domestic waste.

When should I read the results?

Wait between 5 to 10 minutes to read the test results. Within between 5 to 10 minutes a line will appear in the control window (the smaller window).

Can the results be read before 5 minutes or after 10 minutes?

Do not read before 5 minutes or after 10 minutes.

What does it mean if one line is darker than the others?

One band can be darker than the other. The two bands can be any shade of pink-purple and can be lighter or darker than the control. However, you should see two clear parallel bands.

What if I am unsure about the result of the test ?

If you are unable to determine whether or not a line is present in the oval test window, repeat the test after 1 day ith a new Check4®-hCG(hl) Test. If you follow the instructions, you should get accurate results. Certain drugs which contain hCG or that are used in combination with hCG (such as Pregnyl, Porfasi, Pergonal) and rare medical conditions may give a false positive result.

Can I use Check4®-hCG(hl) to diagnose a pregnancy?

Yes but Check4®-hCG(hl) is not able to detect very early pregnancies and only shows positive if the hCG hormone is more than 1000 mIU/mL. Other pregnancy tests are more sensitive and give a positive result starting from 5 to 25 mIU/mL.

What is the accuracy of the test?

The Check4®-hCG(hl) is very accurate and has been used by health care professionals to confirm the success of medical Termination of Pregnancy up to 9 WA (hospitals and laboratories). Evaluation reports show that Check4®-hCG(hl) can detect hCG above 1000mIU/mL in over 99% of cases. No test is perfect and even if the test is negative, you should still contact your health care provider if they have symptoms of pregnancy such as scanty bleeding, no period, tender breasts, feeling sick, and a growing tummy.

When is the best time to perform the test?

We recommend testing Check4®-hCG(hl) on the first morning urine that should be more concentrated.

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on pregnancy?

For more information on pregnancy you can visit the below:
