
Check4® Brucella Canis (QVET-CBRU10) is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of canine brucella antibodies in a canine serum/plasma specimen.

After 10 minutes, Check4® Brucella Canis will detect the presence of canine brucella antibodies in a canine serum/ plasma specimen. If there are no canine brucella antibodies detected in the specimen, only one coloured band appears in the Control Zone (C), but no coloured band appears in the Test Zone (T). When canine brucella antibodies are detected in the specimen, two coloured bands appear, one in each Zone (T & C).

Each kit contains materials needed to perform 10 tests:

• 10 Check4® Brucella Canis test devices
• 1 instruction for Use (IFU)
• 10 plastic pipettes

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Veterinary Testing
Product Code QVET-CBRU10
Product Name Check4® Brucella Canis
Product Category Canine
Product Analyte C.Brucella Ab
Product Size 1 x 10 Tests
Product Storage 4°C to 30°C
How does the Check4® Brucella Canis test work?

Check4® Brucella Canis (QVET-CBRU10) is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of canine brucella antibodies in a canine serum/plasma specimen.

After 10 minutes, Check4® Brucella Canis will detect the presence of canine brucella antibodies in a canine serum/ plasma specimen. If there are no canine brucella antibodies detected in the specimen, only one coloured band appears in the Control Zone (C), but no coloured band appears in the Test Zone (T). When canine brucella antibodies are detected in the specimen, two coloured bands appear, one in each Zone (T & C).

What are the listed precautions?

1. This test is exclusively intended for external use only (in vitro diagnostic use). Do not swallow.
2. Carefully read the instructions before carrying out the test. The test is not reliable unless the instructions are strictly followed.
3. Store at +4°C to +30°C. Do not freeze.
4. Do not use after the expiry date printed on the aluminium pouch and on the external package or if the aluminium pouch has been damaged.
5. Do not reuse Check4® Brucella Canis.
6. Keep out of reach of children.
7. After use please dispose of all kit components into appropriate waste and ensure all waste is properly decontaminated appropriately.
8. Do not remove device from the pouch until ready for use.
9. Humidity and temperature can influence the results.
10. Do not mix components from kits with different lot numbers.
11. Use a separate transfer pipette for each patient.
12. Decontaminate and dispose of all samples, used kits and potentially contaminated materials safely in accordance with national and local regulations.

When should I read the results?

Wait between 10 to 20 minutes to read the test results. Important: Do not read before
10 minutes or after 20 minutes.

Can the results be read before 10 minutes or after 20 minutes?

Do not read before 10 minutes or after 20 minutes.

What does it mean if one line is darker than the others?

One band can be darker than the other. The two bands can be any shade of pink-purple and can be lighter or darker than the control. However, you should see two clear parallel bands.

What if I am unsure about the result of the test ?

If you are unable to determine whether or not a line is present in the oval test window, it is recommended that you please read the instructions again carefully and repeat the test with a new Check4® Brucella Canis test device.

What is the accuracy of the test?

Sensitivity: 98.67%.

Specificity: 98.00%.

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on Brucella Canis?

For more information on brucella canis you can visit the below:
