
Quick, accurate and easy-to-use self-test that can performed in the comfort of your own home.

Marijuana is a hallucinogenic agent derived from the flowering part of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Chemical compounds such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are found in urine after marijuana ingestion. Drug consumption can induce central nervous system disorders altering sensory perception, inducing loss of coordination and impairing short-term memory. Other effects reported by consumers are paranoiac seizures, anxiety, depression, confusion, hallucinations and increased heart rate. Ingestion of marijuana by pregnant women can have a negative effect on foetus development and/or cognitive abilities.

All these effects particularly lower the capacity to drive: Some comparison studies with drivers having consumed alcohol report that drivers having smoked marijuana three hours before driving almost doubled the risk of having a collision.

The chemical by-products of cannabis are eliminated in urine and can be detected for 2 to 5 days in the case of occasional use and up to 10 weeks for regular consumption.

The Check4® Cannabis THC rapid test detects tetrahydrocannabinol by-products in urine within 5 minutes and allows checking before initiating any activity requiring concentration (driving, intellectual work etc) or adapting consumption.

The box contains the material necessary to perform a test:

  • 1 sealed aluminium pouch containing: 1 test device, 1 plastic pipette and 1 desiccant bag
  • 1 instruction leaflet

Product is:

  • Made and Evaluated in France
  • Easy-to-use and easy to read results
  • Accurate and trust worthy
  • Quick with results in a matter of minutes

Please note that this product is not CE-marked.

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Self-Tests
Product Code 19474AG
Product Name Check4® Cannabis THC
Product Analyte THC
Product Size 1 x 1 Test
Product Storage 2°C to 30°C
How does the Check4® Cannabis THC test work?

The effective chemical product of marijuana, obtained from cannabis, is decomposed into different by-products including THC. The Check4® Cannabis THC test uses antibodies highly specific to THC and its by-products. The test can detect a concentration of 50 micrograms/Litre and is positive starting from this concentration level.

When should the Check4® Cannabis THC test be used?

The Check4® Cannabis THC test can be carried out at any time of day.

Is a specific diet necessary?

High liquid intake can dilute the urine and induce a false negative result. Conversely deficiency in liquid intake can induce a false positive result. Therefore drink normally.

I have added more than 3 drops to the sample well. Will I obtain an accurate result?

Yes but it is recommended to use the correct volume (3 drops).

I have added less than 4 drops to the sample well. Will I obtain an accurate result?

No because the sample volume may not be sufficient to allow the complete migration of the reagents onto the test.

Can the result be incorrect?

The results are accurate if the instructions are carefully respected. Nevertheless, the result can be falsified if the The Check4® Cannabis THC test gets wet before performing the test or if the urine volume dispensed into the cassette sample well is not correct. The plastic pipette provided ensures that the volume of collected urine is correct.

How do you interpret the test if the colour and the intensity of the lines are different?

The colour and intensity of the lines have no importance in result interpretation. The lines should be homogeneous and clearly visible. The test should be considered as positive whatever the colour intensity of the test line.

What is the line that appears under the mark C (Control) for?

When this line appears, it only means that the test was performing well.

If I read the result after 8 minutes, will the result be reliable?

No. The test must be read within 5 minutes of adding the urine sample. The results can be interpreted and are reliable up to 8 minutes.

What do I have to do if the result is positive?

If the result is positive, it means that the urine contains more than 50 micrograms/Litre of THC. It means marijuana has recently been consumed and no action requiring concentration such as driving should be taken. Consumption should be stopped and a new test done a few days later. In the case of regular consumption, the test can show positive results for several weeks.

What do I have to do if the result is negative?

If the result is negative, it means that the urine does not contain THC. Therefore it is unnecessary to take any specific precautions.

How accurate is the Check4® Cannabis THC test?

The Check4® Cannabis THC test is accurate and has been used by professionals in the field (hospitals, laboratories…) for more than 10 years to monitor patients undergoing treatment. Although this test is reliable, false positive or false negative results can be obtained. Evaluation reports show an overall agreement of at least 91% with different reference methods.

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on Cannabis and THC?

For more information on cannabis and THC you can visit the below:
