
Quick, accurate and easy-to-use self-test that can performed in the comfort of your own home.

Tetanus is a serious disease, leading to prolonged hospitalisation with sequelae which may lead to death (30% of cases). This infectious disease is due to the exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani. This ubiquitous gram-positive anaerobic bacillus is occasionally present in animal digestive tracts, persists in animal droppings and in the ground in a very resisting sporulated form. In the case of wounding, it penetrates within the body. Then, the tetanus toxin blocks neurotransmitter release which leads to muscular contractions and spasms. Since the disease confers no immunity, vaccination is the only prevention.

Immunoprotection is proven by measuring anti-tetanus antibody concentration.

Check4® Tetanus Protection is a rapid immunodiagnostic test for the assessment of anti-tetanus antibodies from finger prick whole blood samples. In the case of negative results, a common vaccination against Tetanus is enough to re-build protection.

The box contains the material necessary to perform a test:

  • 1 sealed aluminium pouch containing: 1 test device, 1 plastic pipette and 1 desiccant bag.
  • 1 sterile lancet for blood sampling.
  • 1 dropper bottle containing 1 ml of diluent.
  • 1 instruction leaflet.

All our Check4® range of self-test products are:

  • CE-Marked for home self-test use
  • Made and Evaluated in France
  • Easy-to-use and easy to read results
  • Accurate and trust worthy
  • Quick with results in a matter of minutes

Product Specification

Specification Type Specification Value
Product Range Self-Tests
Product Code 92084AG
Product Name Check4® Tetanus Protection
Product Category Health Condition Tests
Product Analyte Anti-tetanus toxin antibodies
Product Size 1 x 1 Test
Product Storage 2°C to 30°C
How does the Check4® Tetanus Protection test work?

Protection from tetanus is assured when the antibodies, which have been generated by the immunological system by a previous vaccination, are present in the blood in sufficient quantities. The Check4® Tetanus Protection test detects specifically the antibodies present when they are concentrated enough (>0.1 IU/mL).

When should the Check4® Tetanus Protection test be used?

The test can be performed at anytime of day. Generally immunological protection is effective for 10 years. The test can be used in normal conditions to check that the protection from a previous vaccination is still effective (i.e. a few years) or with the same aim but in case of emergency with a few hours of being wounded.

Can the result be incorrect?

The results are accurate if the instructions are carefully respected. Nevertheless, the result can be incorrect if the test gets wet before performing the test or if the quantity of blood dispensed in the sample well is insufficient. The plastic pipette provided in the box makes sure that the collected blood volume is correct.

How do you interpret the test if the colour and the intensity of the lines are different?

The colour and intensity of the lines have no importance for result interpretation. The lines should be homogeneous and clearly visible. The test should be considered as positive whatever the colour intensity of the test line.

What is the line that appears under the mark C (Control) for?

When this line appears, it only means that the test performed well.

If I read the result after 15 minutes, will the result be reliable?

No. The result should be read within 10 minutes of adding the diluent. The result is reliable for up to 15 minutes.

What do I have to do if the result is positive?

If the result is positive, it means that the anti-tetanus toxin antibodies are present in a sufficient quantity to ensure protection in the case of wounding. It is recommended to perform the test regularly if the vaccination was done more than 5 years ago.

What do I have to do if the result is negative?

If the result is negative, it means that there is no protection against Tetanus and that it is absolutely necessary to be vaccinated or, in the case of wounding, have the post-exposure prophylaxis (immunoglobin) injection. It is recommended to consult your physician or your Emergency Service in the case of wounding.

How accurate is the Check4® Tetanus Protection test?

The Check4® Tetanus Protection test is accurate and is used by professionals in the field (hospitals, laboratories etc). Evaluation reports show that Check4® Tetanus Protection test can detect the deficiency of anti-tetanus toxin in more than 93 % of cases. Although this test is reliable, false positive or false negative results could be obtained.

Where can I find out more information or get further assistance on tetanus?

For more information on tetanus you can visit the below:
